An Assesment of Etisalat International Marketing Strategy for the Nigerian Market




Etisalat, Management, Marketing strategy, SWOT analysis


Etisalat is a global business which currently operates in 16 countries across the Middle East, Asia and Africa, and as one of the 25 leading global telecoms companies, the management team has identified Nigeria, the largest black Nation on earth as a strategic opportunity to increase both its brand perception and returns to its shareholders. This piece, written based on few frameworks and models to provide an analytical recommendation to the leadership of Etisalat on how to penetrate the market, and also sustain its presence despite the monopolistic competition. The report provides an insight into a business case establishing the growth of LTE subscriptions in the market and also provides a macroeconomic analysis of the business environment of the Nigerian market. The popular SWOT analysis framework guided the critics of the status and capability of Etisalat as a global business, providing insight to its competitive advantages and its area of development as a brand. One identified opportunity for Etisalat, among many others, is the strong governmental and public relations capability of Etisalat which is considered a strategic opportunity to grow its presence in the region. The report also analyzed the economy of the country from a macro and more objective perspective. Identifying key challenges and strategic case for why Etisalat would succeed in Nigeria despite the obvious challenges. Identifying FDI in the telecoms industry as a growing area, the country has been able to help service businesses attract more infrastructural investment which has also reduced the cost of operation at scale. Finally, the piece provides critical short-term and long-term recommendations with an implementation plan which further identifies areas of immediate opportunities.


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How to Cite

An Assesment of Etisalat International Marketing Strategy for the Nigerian Market. (2024). Transactions on Quantitative Finance and Beyond, 1(1), 58-68.