Ranking the Dimensions of Research and Development Capabilities Through New Product Development Approach in the Car Industry
This paper first reviewed the relevant literature and several R&D evaluation models in various industries. Then, a suitable model for the evaluation of R&D capabilities was selected through a New Product Development (NPD) approach within the Iranian automotive industry in 9 main dimensions and 29 indicators, validated based on the structural equations proposed in another paper. In the first stage, the coefficient matrix of criteria was identified according to the pairwise comparison matrix. Then, the VIKOR values S, R, and Q were calculated. The ranking involved smaller Q values. The criteria were ranked as follows: 1) research and design capabilities, 2) customer and market, 3) technological capabilities, 4) financial capabilities resources, 5) organizational structure, 6) intellectual capital capabilities, 7) NPD process, 8) management capabilities and, 9) strategic capabilities. Finally, there were suggestions about the capabilities falling under the lowest ranks.
R&D, New product development, Evaluation, VIKORReferences
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